Point 7 Tool Back Pack Tasche 2023 Bag Point 7
Point 7 Tool Back Pack Tasche 2023 Bag Point 7


Point-7 Tool Back Pack Tasche


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Wir präsentieren die Point-7 Tool Back Pack Tasche.

What do you bring to the beach as a Windsurfer? Tools, drinks, food, essentials, wetsuit, Go-pro, cameras, laptop if no wind? Yes, the Black Tool backpack fits it all in dedicated, protected, and handy pockets. This is the latest item from Point-7, which allows you to carry all your windsurfing tools need at the beach, your wetsuit and change, drinks, and food, plus storing all your media equipment from your laptop to Go-pros and cameras. Wet/dry sections, insulated pockets for cold drinks and food, fleece pockets for Go-pro, sunglasses, mobile, pc padded stash, see through pockets for accessories. Strong and light, ready to travel and for daily use.


100% Polyester 
52x37x20| 1,4kg | 40L.
Eva padding
Waterproof and water-resistant materials.
Tool pockets
Accessories and essential pockets with fleece materials.
PC stash
Wetsuit dry/wet compartment.
BottleTowel Food compartments.


kostenlose Expertenberatung vor dem Kauf kostenloser Rückversand 60 Tage Rückgaberecht
kostenlose Expertenberatung vor dem Kauf kostenloser Rückversand 60 Tage Rückgaberecht

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