Future Fly Foil Master Kit Foiling Windsurffoiling Foil Wingfoil IQ Digital Level Box
Future Fly Foil Master Kit Foiling Windsurffoiling Foil Wingfoil IQ Digital Level Box
Future Fly Foil Master Kit Foiling Windsurffoiling Foil Wingfoil IQ Digital Level Box
Future Fly Foil Master Kit Foiling Windsurffoiling Foil Wingfoil IQ Digital Level Box
Future Fly Foil Master Kit Foiling Windsurffoiling Foil Wingfoil IQ Digital Level Box
Future Fly Foil Master Kit Foiling Windsurffoiling Foil Wingfoil IQ Digital Level Box
Future Fly Foil Master Kit Foiling Windsurffoiling Foil Wingfoil IQ Digital Level Box

Future Fly

Future Fly Foil Master Kit


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Wir präsentieren das Future Fly Foil Master Kit. 

Hydrofoiling has captivated water sports enthusiasts worldwide with its thrilling blend of speed and grace. Whether you're into windsurfing, kiteboarding or wing foiling, hydro-foiling allows you to glide effortlessly above the water's surface, providing an unparalleled sense of freedom. However, mastering the art of hydro-foiling is no easy feat, as it demands precision and control.

The Importance of Angle of Attack

One of the critical factors in hydro-foiling is the angle of attack, which determines the foils' performance. Achieving the optimal angle of attack between front and back wings as well as foil mast angle is essential for stability, control, and overall enjoyment. Traditionally, foilers have relied on their intuition and experience to gauge this crucial parameter, leading to inconsistent results and a steep learning curve.

Enter the Future Fly Foil Master Kit

The Future Fly Foil Master Kit is developed by a team of passionate foilers and engineers, this device offers a precise and user-friendly solution for measuring the angle of attack in real-time. Let's delve into the key features that make the Fly Foil Master Kit a must-have for hydrofoil enthusiasts:

1. Real-time Feedback: The Future Fly Foil Master Kit provides instantaneous feedback on the angle of attack, allowing foilers to make adjustments on the beach and find the sweet spot for optimal performance.

2. User-friendly Interface: With a user-friendly and intuitive interface, even beginners can quickly grasp the essentials of adjusting their foils' angle of attack.

3. Versatility: This kit is designed to measure wide a range of wing sizes ,making it suitable for a wide range of water sports, including windsurfing, kiteboarding and wind-foiling.

4. Enhanced Safety: By helping riders maintain a stable angle of attack, the Future Fly Foil Master Kit reduces the risk of wipeouts and injuries, making hydro-foiling a safer and more accessible sport.

5. Performance Optimization: Foilers can fine-tune their foils' setup to excel in different wind and water conditions, unlocking their full potential on the water.


2x adjustable custom made wing calipers
1x for the front wing and 1x for the stabilizer wing

Electronic angle measurer

Box of foil mast shims from 0.5mm to 5mm
(The mast angle shims are made from full abs marital to privent being squeezed over time )


Shaping the Future of Hydrofoiling

The Future Fly Foil Master Kit is addressing the critical issue of angle of attack measurement, it has not only improved the safety and accessibility of foiling but has also opened up new horizons for performance.

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kostenlose Expertenberatung vor dem Kauf kostenloser Rückversand 60 Tage Rückgaberecht

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