wingfoil wing foiling f-one carbon frontwing sk8
wingfoil wing foiling f-one carbon frontwing sk8


F-One SK8 HM Carbon Frontwing




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Wir präsentieren den F-One SK8 HM Carbon Frontwing.

Carving is not a crime
Get in your flow, feel every turn and be ready to shred like never before with the SK8. Designed for surfing, this foil doesn’t just turn. It carves. Control, maneuverability and pure glide, the SK8 lets you draw dreamy lines and takes your surf to the next level.
  • Aspect Ratio: 8.0
  • Its outline makes it easy to turn and push hard during fast and controlled carves
  • The subtle balance of the lobe between maneuverability and glide allows to surf freely while maintaining efficient pumping
  • The wingtips’ design is made to hit the foam and breach the wingtip without turbulence or cavitation.
  • Its unique speed makes it a perfect foil for surfing from offshore swells to the shorebreak with a wing.
  • Our monobloc construction guarantees rigidity, durability, and extraordinary
The SK8 has been designed to surf.
Its overall shape provides a fine balance between glide and maneuverability, which allows the user to tear a wave apart and then pump back to the peak effortlessly.

It doesn’t just turn. It carves.
Maneuverability is nothing without power, speed and control. Lay into turns with ease and speed, push through the carve and see how the SK8 holds a steady line and delivers even more speed.

It is meant to stay in the pocket.
With specific wingtips design, the SK8 is able to hit white water without too many turbulences, allowing surf-style turns and breaching pretty much any part of the foil.
Carve, pump, fly.
Take the SK8 for a wing ride, and you’ll feel a fast, easy-to-go-upwind foil that you can surf all the way from the offshore swell until the impact zone.
Built using the Monobloc structure with pre-preg carbon, the foils are both very light and strong. This setup brings improved load transmission and better stiffness throughout the different parts for maximum control. The High Modulus Carbon fiber layup leads to even more rigidity and dependability that will propel you to incredible performances in each session. The TITAN connection allows to plug in either an aluminum or carbon mast.
The SK8 comes in six sizes, ranging from 550cm² to 1050cm². The 550, 650 and 750cm² are recommended with the Monobloc Tail XXXS Carving 160. The 850cm² will be at its best when paired with the Monobloc Tail XXXS Carving 180, and the 950cm² and 1050cm² with the Monobloc Tail XXS Carving 200.
With a thin profile and higher aspect ratio, the Monobloc Tail Carving range is the way to go if you need speed and maneuverability. These will provide a looser, more snappy feeling, as well as a faster pumping pace.



kostenlose Expertenberatung vor dem Kauf kostenloser Rückversand 60 Tage Rückgaberecht
kostenlose Expertenberatung vor dem Kauf kostenloser Rückversand 60 Tage Rückgaberecht

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