wingfoil wingfoiling wing foil f-one Frontwing Carbon Eagle HMwingfoil wingfoiling wing foil f-one Frontwing Carbon Eagle HM
wingfoil wingfoiling wing foil f-one Frontwing Carbon Eagle HM
wingfoil wingfoiling wing foil f-one Frontwing Carbon Eagle HM
wingfoil wingfoiling wing foil f-one Frontwing Carbon Eagle HM
wingfoil wingfoiling wing foil f-one Frontwing Carbon Eagle HM
wingfoil wingfoiling wing foil f-one Frontwing Carbon Eagle HM


F-One Eagle HM Carbon Frontwing




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Wir präsentieren den F-One Eagle HM Carbon Frontwing.

The foils of the EAGLE HM CARBON line are designed to bring you thrilling speed potential, incomparable downwind sensations, and everlasting cruising time above the water.
    Remarkable speed and downwind performances
    Unrivaled time above the water
    Thin and optimized design for minimal drag

      The EAGLE HM CARBON is the ideal foil for anybody seeking speed and fantastic downwind abilities. With its very thin profile and upturned winglets, the EAGLE’s induced drag is reduced to a minimum. It is a very efficient foil whose lift will allow you to stay above the water and cruise for longer than you could have ever imagined at any speed without the foil abruptly stalling and dropping.
      Simultaneously, its upwind abilities are noteworthy, bringing comfort, stability, and constant speed to your wing foiling rides. Pumping is effective and precise, and maneuvering will feel easy in any conditions.
      Built using the Monobloc structure with pre-preg carbon, the foils are both very light and strong. This setup brings improved load transmission and better stiffness throughout the different parts for maximum control. The High Modulus Carbon fiber layup leads to even more rigidity and dependability that will propel you to incredible performances in each session. The TITAN connection allows to plug in either an aluminum or carbon mast.
      The EAGLE HM CARBON foils are now available in six sizes: 690 cm², 790 cm², 890 cm², 990 cm², 1090 cm² and 1290 cm².
      • • The 690cm², a new addition to the range, and the 790 cm² are perfect for a strong wing session or a long downwind. It will also fit riders of a smaller build and any experienced foiler looking to break their personal records.
      • • The 890 cm² and 990 cm² are great all-round sizes that will satisfy a wide range of advanced riders looking for exhilarating sensations and a pure downwind glide.
      • • The 1090cm² and 1290 cm², another addition, bring more accessibility to downwind. They are great choices to start in SUP downwind and for riders of a bigger stature. The 1290 will excel in light wind and flat downwinds as well.

      All sizes but the 690 cm² are recommended with the DW210 HM stab, just as thin as the front wing. This stabilizer will allow you to gain more speed and pumping efficiency. The 690 cm² will be at it best when paired with the XXXS 190 DW Monobloc Tail, ideal for strong conditions and very experienced riders. Thanks to its smaller surface area, the DW190 offers even more speed and better maneuverability.


      kostenlose Expertenberatung vor dem Kauf kostenloser Rückversand 60 Tage Rückgaberecht
      kostenlose Expertenberatung vor dem Kauf kostenloser Rückversand 60 Tage Rückgaberecht

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