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Avanti Sails

Avanti Sails Fenix 2023




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Wir präsentieren das Avanti Sails Fenix 2023.


For 2021/22, Avanti revamps the Fenix in a new lush colour scheme. The HD Membrane Matrix features a super strong inner core of Aramid Fiber, distributing load, and improving handling. This product has set the industry standard, and this latest iteration builds on its rich legacy of World Wave performance.

The Fenix offers the best on/off characteristics of any sail for pure wave sailing. Sail profiles fill-in when you need drive and deflate to neutral during man oeuvres, making this range an absolute client favorite. The Fenix is all about the wave, and nothing but the wave. From the stormy onshore beaches of northern Europe, to glorious side-off conditions in the tropics, nothing quite covers the range of conditions with as much fluidity. We find this to be the best choice for modern waveboards, where extra drive is often desired from one’s sail choice.

3.2 – 3.6 – 4.0 – 4.4 – 4.8 – 5.2 – 5.6

New in 2023

 HD Membrane Matrix. Slightly thicker film gauges and robust fiber mapping provide maximum strength and durability.

 Batten Count. Primary sail sizes set on a four batten layout providing just the right balance of skeletal structure. Large sizes benefit from a fifth batten for added stability.

 Dacron Luff Panel. Wavesail performance is closely linked to overall rig elasticity. A Dacron luff panel provides an easy breathing feel. Rig the sail with a tighter leech, and still benefit from a reactive leech whether landing a back loop, or making an aggressive cutback.

 Head Loading. Improved string mapping keeps the sail head under constant load ensuring the twist and drive of the sail is always under control and in place.


3.2 TBA TBA TBA 4 0 Avanti Spine 340 TBA
3.6 350 143 12 4 0 Avanti Spine 340 2.4
4.0 365 150 0 4 0 Avanti Spine 370 2.5
4.4 380 157 12 4 0 Avanti Spine 370 2.6
4.8 393 165 25 4 0 Avanti Spine 370 2.8
5.2 410 173 12 5 0 Avanti Spine 400 3.1
5.6 422 178 24 5 0 Avanti Spine 400 3.3


kostenlose Expertenberatung vor dem Kauf kostenloser Rückversand 60 Tage Rückgaberecht
kostenlose Expertenberatung vor dem Kauf kostenloser Rückversand 60 Tage Rückgaberecht

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